2016 Community Dinners, a great Success, over 350 guests served!
I would like to begin by saying thank you so much for all of the monetary gifts as well as the food donations that were made by businesses and individuals. I also send a big thank you to all that volunteered. All of these things helped with the success of the community dinners.
Dinner was held at the Nyssa Senior Citizen Center. Doors opened at noon and dinner was served through 2:30pm on Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. Home deliveries were available to those that were unable to come out and join us.
The menu included roasted turkey, delicious baked ham, mashed potatoes, homemade dressing, turkey gravy, baked yams, green bean casserole, homemade dinner rolls, and of course lots of pie!
This year we served approximately 355 guests between the two dinners. Many volunteers and businesses came together to make these events a success. I would like to give a special thanks to the Nyssa Senior Citizen Center for their support and the generous use of their facility to provide a clean and warm place to hold this year’s dinners. I would also like to thank the Nyssa Christian Fellowship for their love and support for this awesome community outreach.
Our mission remains, these dinners are much more than just a free dinner; they are an opportunity for the community to come together to share respect and support for each other. They are also an opportunity to fellowship with old friends and to meet new ones.
We appreciate your thoughtfulness; your kindness will not be forgotten. From the bottom of our hearts (and stomachs), thank you for your generosity!