2016 Community Dinners, a great Success, over 350 guests served!
I would like to begin by saying thank you so much for all of the monetary gifts as well as the food donations that were made by...

SYSCO KITCHEN: Miguel of Bob's Steakhouse Wicked Cranberry Sauce with Stuffed Pork Chop
Known for large portion sizes and hand cut beef, Bob’s Steak and Spirits in Nyssa Oregon has a unique twist on Home-style cooking. From...

2017 Honors Banquet and Auction
Theme: "Remembering the Oregon Trail" Saturday February 25, 2017 Doors open at 6:00PM, dinner will be at 7:00PM, and live and silent...

Patient Appreciation Movie Day, by Munk Family Dental
As a thank you to all of his patients, Dr. Munk of Munk Family Dental would like to invite you to watch the newest Star Wars or animated...

Malheur Enterprise, 20% OFF yearly subscription! (Nyssa citizens)
Malheur Enterprise has a deal for Nyssa! Save 20% off a yearly subscription (that's a savings of $8!). Weekly paper consisting of county...
Nyssa Community Christmas Dinner!
The annual free dinner will be held at the Nyssa Senior Citizen Center located at 316 Good Ave (behind Nyssa Public Library). Home...

Nyssa Les Schwab Toy and Coat Drive!
The Nyssa branch Les Schwab located at 204 Thunderegg Blvd is hosting a toy and coat drive to support local Nyssa children that may...

2017 Annual Honors Banquet February 25, 2017
Nominations for Honor awards can be submitted until Jan 6, 2017. Categories for the awards are as follows: Agriculturist of the Year \...